Well here goes nothing! I've never had my own blog before but I decided that I needed a place where I could share all the great information that I've learned over the past year regarding crossfit, health, fitness, and nutrition. For anybody that doesn't really know my story, I'll paraphrase it a bit. I've always been active and have been playing organized sports for as long as I can remember. I was first introduced to CrossFit while playing volleyball for Trinity University in San Antonio and have been hooked ever since! I moved to Katy, Texas 2 years ago and have been very involved with the CrossFit Community here in Houston for the past year and let me say, I absolutely love it! I've spent the last year learning everything I can about CrossFit, nutrition, health and fitness and I'm so excited to be sharing it with my community!
For the past 2 months, I've been coaching a women's bootcamp and I cannot describe how much fun it has been! I love nothing more than to help women find their inner strength by working on their outer strength! This has so far been one of the most rewarding things I have done!
My hope for this blog is that it helps each and every one of you to better understand health and wellness and to help you reach your fitness goals so check back for tips, tricks and any other goodies I find along the way!