Dang, two weeks have flown by since my last post and I really don't have any good excuses for that. I honestly just haven't felt much like writing lately. Sometimes I think I get caught up in the need to be profound or noteworthy when really I just started this blog to kind of "think outloud". So now that that's out there, time to get down to the point of this post.
Last Saturday, CrossFit Katy took SIX teams to the Third Annual Bayou City Crawfish Team WOD! I don't think I've been more proud of our gym. This is the biggest showing at a competition that we've EVER had! All in all we had over THIRTY people competing or cheering us on from our "gym family"! For many of our athletes, this was their first competition and everybody did a fantastic job! We rocked out two tough WOD's and then settled under our massive team tent (yes our tent was better than your tent!) to chow down on some delicious
Crawfish and throw back a few cold one's
The first WOD:
1000m Row (1 person only)
100 Pull Ups or Jumping Pull Ups
100 Box Jumps or Step Ups
100 DB Snatches
30 Thrusters (15 for guys and 15 for the girls)
You could break up everything but the row between whoever on the team. Each team used a different strategy but everybody did great. Special shout-out to Susan and Brooke for those 95lb thrusters! Made me super proud to see those ladies step up and take on the Standard division even though it was tough!
The next workout was a station workout
3 min at each station:
Sit Ups
Kettlebell Swings
Ok obviously I was not thrilled with this one because I suck at overhead squat but it turned out to be a good WOD. I maxed out at 125lbs. The standard division had to swing HUGE kettlebells! I never swing a 53lb KB but we had to do it on Saturday! Thanks Vic! ;-)
Bayou City, as always, did a great job organizing and putting on the competition. Everything ran smoothly, the judging was fair and accurate, and it was just a fast and fun day all around. The Crawfish were hot out of the pot by 11am and by 11:30 it was time for the real competition for the day...the Crawfish WOD! :)
CrossFit Katy had one brave soul compete, Mike Scott took on the infamous Crawfish WOD:
4 Rounds of:
1 Beer
5 Crawfish
10 Burpees
It was a close one but Mike managed to push through and get second! Haha! It was definitely fun to watch but I don't think I ever want to test my stomach with 4 beers and burpees!
All in all, it was a great day and I had such a good time competing and hanging out with the CrossFit Katy family! We've got the best people around and I can't wait for the next event!