I've always thought that I was pretty good at Double Unders.....I have recently been proven wrong! The third workout at ACO last weekend was a 10 minute AMRAP. Every minute on the minute you did 3 squat cleans and as many double unders as you could with the rest of the minute. Now I just got a brand new rope from RX Jump Rope and it is awesome. I'd practiced with it very briefly before ACO and thought it was all squared away....WRONG! As soon as I got to about round 3, I was clipping my left foot regularly....SO FRUSTRATING! I just attributed it to a small gas-tank...I mean, cardio is my nemesis whereas strength is my power...and double unders are straight cardio right?! Well, today the Advanced Class over at CrossFit Katy tackled the next Again Faster WOD.
WOD #11 is
200 double unders
7000lbs total deadlift
75 thrusters with a 45lb bar
Partition as needed.
I decided to do:
4 Rounds
50 Double Unders
10, 10, 9, 9 Deadlifts @185#
19,19,19,18 Thrusters
Let me tell you....those damn double unders kicked my butt again! The first two rounds went ok but as soon as the I got to that third set of DU's I could not for the life of me get it together! I haven't been that frustrated in a WOD in a long time! I hate making excuses but I think I'm going to order another rope that is one inch longer than my current rope. Maybe then I'll conquer those suckers! So I guess I'm using this post to vent a little. Contrary to what people may think......every CrossFitter gets crushed by a WOD sometimes and today, I was crushed! The important thing to remember is that there is always another WOD.....and next time double unders come up...they will not defeat me!
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