Friday, December 30, 2011
A Different Kind of Whole 30
Thursday, December 29, 2011
I'm Back!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Competition Season Begins
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
CrossFit Katy's Bring the Heat 2!

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Living the Dream

As you can see, we had to write down what we were afraid of and then we were told we had a choice. We could choose to continue to be afraid, or we could choose to move forward.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Regionals Wrap Up

Well I figured I'd better get this blog done since it's been a whole week since Regionals! I guess it's just taken me a while to digest everything. First thing I have to say is WOW I am so proud of my teammates at CrossFit Katy. We went into Regionals with high hopes and little else. All of the guys on our team have been consistently doing CrossFit for barely over a year and our ladies (myself included) while strong, still have so much to work on but we put it all together and managed a 12th place finish! 12th Place! Out of the 30 teams that qualified, and the over 200 Affiliates from our Region, we finished 12th! It was a great feeling.

Monday, June 13, 2011
Regionals is Almost Here!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Murph Day Wrap-Up

Wow! Ok So I know this post is about a week late but I think my lats are just now forgiving me! :) Though many of our fellow CrossFit boxes went after the beast WOD known as Murph today, the CrossFit Katy Crew tackled this one last Saturday.

Friday, May 27, 2011
Murph Day at CrossFit Katy!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
CrossFit Katy Success Story!
My journey with CrossFit started last May when I began working out with Leah in a community boot camp. Too put it bluntly, she kicked my butt! I was super down on myself because I had been an athlete my entire life, but had let myself go after the birth of my 2 kids (who are now 7 and 5). I was determined to get back in shape and had seen amazing results on my husband who had started a year prior. It did not take me long to buy into the CrossFit mentality of working out, but the paleo mentality did not come as easily. When Leah first told me about it I thought she was crazy! Then when she told me about THE WHOLE 30, I thought she had completely lost her mind! I knew there was no way in this world I would ever live without dairy, diet coke, or wine! To even suggest I try such a thing was insane!
I continued to work out with the boot camp through the next October, and I actually progressed very quickly. However, in late October Leah decided to stop the boot camp, since attendance had dwindled, and informed me I would have to start working out at THE BOX. I was extremely nervous and intimidated by the thought of actually GOING to CrossFit. I had become comfortable (mistake number 1) in my workout routine. However, once I had completed my first workout at CROSSFIT KATY, I was hooked and drawn in by one of the most positive groups of people I had ever met! Everyone was so nice and supportive of one another, no matter what level (and I was once again at the bottom). It was when I finally made it to the box that I realized how far behind I actually was. It was not my workouts holding me back, it was my diet! So, in November, I gave in and began experimenting with the paleo lifestyle. It took a few months for me to figure out, but by January, I was seeing a difference in my body and my workouts. Then a few months later, I again felt like I hit a wall. I wanted to be stronger, faster, better! I knew I had to tighten up my eating. At this point I was 90% Paleo. I would cheat, mostly on Sat., but also a little here and there during the week (a bite of cake here, a soda there). So by late April I was ready to give this WHOLE 30 thing a try. I had seen several others at the gym do it, and the results were remarkable!
I began my Whole 30 on April 25th, the Monday after Easter. The first few days were not all that tough, but the first weekend was HARD! I was used to cheating on Saturday and for the first time I had to be accountable 7 days a week……and for 30 days! I would say day 5, 6, and 7 were the worst. I felt like I had so far to go and I did get discouraged. And then, I started to see a difference in my workouts. I was lifting a lot more weight! Not just 5 pounds more, but 10, 15, even 20 pounds more on some lifts! How in the word did I get stronger this fast?? It was amazing how much energy I had and how good I felt at the gym. No longer did I look at a workout and groan “You want me to do what?” I started looking at other people’s times on the board and setting a goal for myself. 99% of the time, I achieved my goal. I am still amazed at how quickly I saw a difference in my workouts. I was all of a sudden able to compete with people who usually beat me by MINUTES!!!
My Whole 30 ended on May 24th. I was so excited to weigh myself, because I knew there had to be a change. I was wearing pants I had not put on since before my first child!!! So, that morning I got on the scale and I had lost 5 pounds. 5 pounds does not seem like much, but I went down 2 pants sizes!! 2 whole sizes!!! I would have thought I had to lose 20-30 pounds to do that!!! I went back and looked at my workout journal, and in the last 30 days I PR’d every single lift! Wow, now I was seeing what this program had done for me! I am not worried about what I weigh, because I no longer look like I weigh anything close to it! Most people have guessed I have lost 10-15 pounds at least!!
I thank Neal and Leah for introducing me to this lifestyle, and for helping me find the athlete that was buried underneath! The Whole 30 allowed me to break through so many barriers, mentally and physically! Most importantly, I will never say I can’t do something ever again………………because I know I CAN!!!
Here's a pic of Kerrie, mid Whole 30, when she won the scaled division at the 2nd Annual CrossFit Houston Girls-Only Challenge. Awesome job Kerrie! I am so proud of you!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Bayou City Crawfish WOD

Dang, two weeks have flown by since my last post and I really don't have any good excuses for that. I honestly just haven't felt much like writing lately. Sometimes I think I get caught up in the need to be profound or noteworthy when really I just started this blog to kind of "think outloud". So now that that's out there, time to get down to the point of this post.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
CrossFit Katy Grand Re-Opening!

Well we finally made it! CrossFit Katy is set up in it's new location and is having a Grand Re-Opening on Saturday, April 16th! We are hosting a FREE community workout at 9AM and then at 10:15AM we are throwing down on the CrossFit Open WOD 11.4!
As the longest running CrossFit in Katy, we are constantly striving to have a positive impact on the people of Katy and to make fitness an integral part of their lives! CrossFit has definitely changed my life. It has shown me that I am stronger than I could ever imagine and that even the most seemingly insurmountable challenges can be conquered with hard work and dedication. I want to share this with as many people as I can because I know there are still so many lives to change!
So if you're in the area next weekend or know anybody who is, join us at the CrossFit Katy Grand Re-Opening on Sat. April, 16th at 9AM!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
New Space!
WOW! It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks! I know it's been forever since I last blogged BUT it's been for good reason....CrossFit Katy has finally settled into its new home! Let me tell you, I thought moving into the first space was difficult work, but this move has been sooo much harder! Obviously when CrossFit Katy first moved it was from the park (I don't miss those days!) to an actual building. We didn't have barbells, weight plates, a pull ups system or pretty much anything other than kettlebells and dumbbells. This time we had to move ALL the equipment into the new space and to top it off, the space wasn't even completely finished when we had to move so most of the equipment had to be piled into the middle of the space until it was completely done. I think over a three day period I spent close to twenty hours in the gym (not training either)...and Neal was there even more! But it was so worth it. The new space is great! 4000 sq. feet (almost twice as big as our old space) and two bathrooms with get this....SIX showers! So far, we've run four days worth of classes and they have been great. I am so grateful for all our our amazing athletes. Not only are they kicking butt and taking names in the WOD, they have also been instrumental in getting the new space set up. Without their help and dedication to CrossFit Katy, the move would have been so much harder so thank you everybody! I wish I could individually thank everybody but that list would be huge! :) I look forward to being able to relax a little more and get back into the swing of things. The gym space has a little bit further to go but I see a finish line on the horizon. I have been a bit inconsistent lately as far as my fitness is concerned and can't wait to get back into a routine. I'm looking forward to crushing the Open WOD 11.3. (Finally something heavy that I might have an advantage on!) After that it's back to my normal workout routines. I am so excited for the future of CrossFit Katy and can't wait to help it grow!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Keeping the Conversation Going
I guess the big question that's being tackled is "Is CrossFit for everyone?"
Now before you get all up in arms about this, let me clarify. Everybody who's been around CrossFit knows that anybody can do it. As Glassman puts it, CrossFit is scalable to all levels of fitness and that's what makes it a great program for everyone. So I am not asking if using CrossFit as a training method is for everybody.....we all agree that it is. I'm asking if CrossFit competitions, the Open Sectionals, Regionals, the CrossFit Games is for everyone. So in that respect I have to disagree with My Ignition and say that YES the CrossFit Open, in fact all CrossFit competitions are for everyone (even your grandma!) who has that fire in their belly and wants to push themselves to new levels. I think many of the CrossFit Community members who fancy themselves as Firebreathers forget that most of us have no real aspirations of winning! But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to play the game. One example I have is from my own gym CrossFit Katy. One of our team members is doing the Open for two reasons....She wants to support her daughter (who is also doing the Open) and she loves CrossFit and pushing herself. She wants to see how she measures up AND have fun doing it. She's 53 years old and has absolutely no aspirations of making it to Regionals, even in the Masters division. She is just using this opportunity to challenge herself and, as The False Start puts it, shatter those false limitations that we all put on ourselves. When the first WOD was announced, she had never completed a double under in a workout in her life, but you know what...on competition day, she completed 47 double unders!!! That's what it's all about. Did she give a crap that she still had the lowest score in the gym...HELL NO! She was damn proud of herself as she should be. That's what it's all about. Why should breakthrough moments like that be limited to daily WOD's at your local affiliate? Most people need that little something extra, like the Open, to push themselves to shatter those obstacles.
Now, this doesn't mean that I think it's HQ's job to make sure that everyone, even your grandma, competes in the Open. As My Ignition puts it, it's not HQ's job to market the Games to make it seem like a picnic, because he's right, it's no picnic! And I really don't think that HQ shouldn't have the spotlight on the Elite Athletes. It is the purpose of the Games to find the fittest man and fittest woman on Earth. I think that's where we come in as trainers, affiliates and a community. It's OUR job to encourage our athletes to compete. To push themselves to new levels. The online format of the Open this year means that the Games is more accessible then it's ever been before and we should be taking advantage of it by promoting it within our own gyms and communities. We have to let people know that there is more to the Games then simply winning and losing. The spirit of CrossFit runs much deeper than that. I know I will continue to encourage and push all of my clients, Firebreather or not, to compete whether it be in the Open or in the next local competition. CrossFit is a sport and we should all be allowed to play!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
The Open Sectionals.....Now It Begins!

Well it's finally here! The Open Sectionals is upon us. Now, I'm not going to lie. I'm still not as excited about these online sectionals as I was for the Sectionals Weekend last year in Austin. There's just nothing that can compare to the atmosphere at a big CrossFit Competition. I can't explain it if you've never been to one, but let's just say the energy is palpable and the camaraderie can't be beat. People accomplish things that they never thought possible and old and new CrossFit friends unite. It's part of what makes this sport so much fun. But enough about that. I think it's safe to say that the initial phases of this Open Sectionals have been disappointing from a technical standpoint. The first WOD was posted about 7 hours late making it impossible for anybody to complete the WOD on Tuesday night as had been previously planned. The Website has had problems ranging from people not being able to register to people not being able to submit scores and the leaderboards are frequently all screwed up. Does this frustrate me? A little bit. I mean, I haven't had any problems BUT it's irritating that HQ has known that they were going to try and pull this off for a LONG time and yet, they still underestimated how much work it was going to be. But I think the thing that really bugs me about this whole thing is that HQ claims to be going big-time. Reebok is sponsoring. Glassman and Crew can't stop talking about how Elite the CrossFit Athletes and the CrossFit Program is, that it's just as legit as any other professional sport BUT when things get they are with the Open Website....they hide behind the fact that they're just a small group of people trying to do big things! Be straight with us HQ. Either you're Pro sport status or you're not. You can't be both and when you screw something up....just apologize! I think that's what we're all looking for. Just say "hey look we screwed up. It's much bigger than we thought and we didn't plan enough ahead for it, but we're working our asses off to make it right." That's all I want, an acknowledgement that they still have things to learn and ways to improve. We're not all sheep.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Big Things Coming!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Airrosti Day with Dr. Matt!

Ahhh! It hurts so good! Ok so here's the deal. We all need to do more mobility work! In fact, I'd venture to say that 90% of us don't do as much mobility work as we should and I am definitely one of those people. I've been inflexible for as long as I can remember. I remember in 5th and 6th grade when we had to do those Presidential physical fitness tests. One of those tests was the sit and reach where we were supposed to sit with our legs in a V and reach forward as far as we could. We weren't supposed to lunge our upper bodies forward to reach. It was supposed to be a slow and easy reach forward......I was the kid that lunged forward. I couldn't get as far as I was supposed to unless I did it that way. Needless to say, I didn't stretch then and it never really bothered me. I could still play all the sports and I still excelled, so no harm no foul right? Wrong! Enter CrossFit.

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The Fittest Games

Friday, February 11, 2011
Push Your Limits!

Yesterday The Fittest Games WOD's were posted.....Yikes! Looks like WOD #3 is going to have muscle ups in it! For the record I have gotten a total of 3...count 'em 3 muscle ups EVER! The first muscle up I ever got was at CrossFit Beaumont after their competition. It was kind of a joke. I had been playing on the rings at CrossFit Katy for weeks but had never gotten an actual muscle-up. I think one of the reasons I got that first muscle up at Beaumont was that I approached it with no pressure, just got on the rings and did it! I definitely surprised myself. Since then I have gotten two more on different days, weeks apart. I have yet to be able to get one on my first attempt and I have never gotten more than one at any single practice session. So what does that mean for me this weekend?? I don't really know. I guess you could say the odds are stacked against me, BUT I can't help but remember a little conversation I had with Lisa Thiel before the final WOD at Regionals last year. That WOD had a 10 Muscle Up buy in. At that point, Lisa had only ever gotten one muscle up, but when we talked about it before the WOD she said, "Well, if I can do ONE then I can do TEN!" And that's the attitude that I am going to try and embody this weekend. I know that I am not going to win this competition but this competition is an opportunity to get better. I am going to end this post with a little quote I stole from my good friend and fellow CrossFitter Katie Russell....ok so she stole it from a movie...but you get the point! :)