The name did not disappoint as mother nature most definitely "Brought the Heat" but so did the athletes that took on the WOD's. For this competition we had 3 WOD's for Scaled and 4 WOD's for the Standard division.
The first WOD was a 4 rep max deadlift followed by an 800 meter trail run. I saw some amazing feats of strength as the top two males in the RX division wrestled for first place lifting close to 500lbs each! I am most impressed though with CrossFit Katy's own Steve Gonzalez who competed in his first competition last weekend and lifted 30lbs over his previous ONE rep max for a set of Four! Awesome!!!

The second WOD was a short, fast burner. 25-20-15-10-5 Box Jumps coupled with 5-4-3-2-1 Clean and Jerks. Huge shout out to Ashley Buttirini from Bayou City CrossFit! This was also her first competition AND she went RX! The 105# on the clean and jerk was no walk in the park for her, but she gritted her teeth and rocked it! 

The third WOD consisted of 21 power snatches followed by a 30 meter shuttle run, 21 push presses, another 30 meter shuttle run, 21 hang cleans, 30 meter shuttle run and then 120 meters of overhead walking with the barbell! The overhead walk proved to be tough with plenty of athletes struggling through that last 60 meters but the grit and determination was unmatched. That's the thing I love about CrossFit, so many times even the athletes competing wonder at the beginning of the WOD whether or not they can complete it, but inevitably, something inside them tells them they can, no matter how hard it seems, how heavy the bar, how much it hurts, we all believe and that makes all the difference.
In an effort to embrace the "unknown and unknowable" aspect of CrossFit, the 4th WOD for RX was something that I've never seen in a CrossFit competition. It was a "floater" WOD which consisted of Max Double Unders. Athletes could perform the WOD as many times as they wanted during the day to get their top score. It was a great twist to an already great competition.
Overall, I am extremely proud of the kind of event that CrossFit Katy was able to host. I fall more in love with this sport and the people that do it every time I go to an event and our event was no different. Again, thank you so much to all the amazing boxes that sent their athletes out to brave our WOD's and the Texas heat! And of course, to my amazing CrossFit Katy Family, I love you and we couldn't do this without you. Can't wait till next year!!

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