Well, it's over! My second round of the Whole 30 is finally over and the results are in! As I was saying in a previous post, I really don't think my first go-round with the Whole 30 did much for me. Instead of really focusing on changing my relationship with food, I concentrated on just cutting out all the technically inappropriate foods. This resulted in a severe over-consumption of fruit, almond butter, and other paleo treats. I never kicked my late-night snack habit and, as a result, did not conquer my sugar demons meaning when my first Whole 30 was over, I was right back on the sugar train. Paleo sugars of course (that's what I told myself).....but really there is no difference.
About half-way through this Whole 30, I read a great post on the Whole 9 Blog about conquering your sugar demons and it finally clicked. I think I made more progress in the last 2 1/2 weeks on then I did during my entire previous Whole 30. So without further ado.....
My Results:
Weight After: 152.8
I have lost a total of 4.75 inches from my waist, hips, thighs, and arms.
I was pretty excited about the results especially the inches. Weight is a very deceptive beast and it really doesn't mean that much to me, but inches really say something.
Ok So I know you are all dying to know if I went completely nuts today on junk food and the answer is....sort of. :) I had a normal breakfast, got in a great 5:30AM WOD at CrossFit Katy and then went to lunch at Ruggles Green. I got the Blackened Shrimp Salad and a side of Butternut Squash. It was delicious but MAN there was a lot of sugar in that lunch. The salad had about 5 different kinds of fruit/dried fruit on it and was tossed in a poppyseed dressing and the butternut squash was full of brown sugar. It was good but it is not something I think I will order again because it's just too dang sweet....not really worth the cheat! And even though I was already in a sugar coma, I followed up the lunch by sharing a piece of Ruggles Green warm carrot cake with Christie.....now THAT was sweet but definitely worth the cheat! They have the most amazing carrot cake. As was expected, after lunch I felt like a zombie and was in a full-on sugar coma within an hour. I took about an hour and half long nap to sleep it off! I have never had that kind of reaction to food before. You'd think I would have learned my lesson after lunch but this was cheat day...I had to keep going! Dinner was salmon and homemade macaroni and cheese. The mac and cheese was tasty and I didn't feel quite as lethargic....just very puffy and bloated and to finish it all off I tried to eat a brownie for dessert but I couldn't finish it.
Looking back at the day, I'm not all that thrilled with my cheats. Some were good, some were ok, and some were just not worth it....and I have felt pretty terrible all day. I really think I have finally changed the way that I feel about food. My tastes have truly changed this time and I hope to never go back to eating grains, extra sugars, and processed foods on a regular basis again. I will still enjoy the occasional non-paleo treat and I definitely plan on adding certain non-Whole 30 foods back into my diet...like pastured butter (YUM!)....but as a whole, I really don't plan on deviating much. I have felt great, I am setting new PR's in the gym, and I am just a much happier more energized person when I eat this way.
There's some really exciting things happening this month. February 5th I will be attending the Form3 Women's World Tour and February 13th I am competing in the Fittest Games at CrossFit Central. Hopefully all my hard work, clean eating, and training will pay off. I feel much more prepared for this competition than I was for the All-Cities Open in Dallas. This should be a great indicator for the upcoming Open Sectionals Competitions. CrossFit Katy has some great athletes going to compete and I am looking forward to having a great weekend with some great people!
*Just for clarification, the first pic is from July after my first Whole 30 and the second pic is me now after my second Whole 30*