Well it's been four days of Whole 30-ing for me and I definitely think this go-round is much much easier than the last time I did this which was back in June. One of the biggest obstacles to successfully completing a Whole 30 is that you need to be prepared...always! Meatloaf is something that is easily assembled the night before and can be kept in the fridge until dinner time. The problem with conventional meatloaf recipes is that they take forever to cook! I don't know about you but I don't have an hour and a half to cook my dinner when I get home after 7pm. By cooking the meatloaf in muffin tins, you can cut your cooking time down considerably. This recipe is one that I put together on Monday night for dinner for Tuesday. All I had to do on Tuesday night after CrossFit was pop this in the oven and it was ready in 25 minutes! I paired this with some steamed veggies and I was set!
Mini Meatloaf
2 lbs of ground meat (I used organic ground veal and bison)
1/2 cup each of diced onions, bell peppers, and celery
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Preheat oven to 350
Saute the veggies in the olive oil for about 10 minutes to soften them up (otherwise you'll get hard veggies in your meat!) and let cool for a few minutes before mixing.
In a large bowl mix the meat and veggie mixture and season with a little salt and pepper
Separate the meat mixture evenly into the 12 spots in the muffin/cupcake tin
Bake for 25-35 minutes
What a great idea.. I think i might try to make this tonight.